In Littlehampton, a quaint town characterized by its conservative atmosphere, chaos ensues as residents, including the staunch conservative Edith, find themselves receiving letters filled with uproarious profanities. The blame falls on Rose, a lively Irish migrant known for her boisterous nature. However, amidst the accusations, a group of determined women within the community sense that there’s more to the situation than meets the eye. Led by their suspicions, they embark on an investigation to uncover the truth behind the profanity-laden letters and Rose’s alleged involvement. Follow Goojara Comedy Movies for more.
Wicked Little Letters Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Wicked Little Letters (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Director: Thea Sharrock
Writer: Jonny Sweet
Stars: Jessie Buckley, Olivia Colman, Timothy Spall