Ken Sato, a celebrated baseball star, returns to Japan with an unexpected destiny. Chosen to become the new Ultraman, Ken faces his greatest challenge when he’s tasked with raising a newborn kaiju monster. This infant creature is the progeny of his fiercest enemy, and Ken must navigate the complexities of heroism and fatherhood. As he balances his dual roles, Ken discovers the true meaning of courage and compassion. The film blends thrilling action with heartfelt moments, showcasing Ken’s journey from sports icon to legendary defender of Earth. Follow Lookmovie for more.
Ultraman: Rising Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Ultraman: Rising (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Animation, Action, Adventure
Director: Shannon Tindle, John Aoshima
Writer: Shannon Tindle, Marc Haimes
Stars: Christopher Sean, Rob Fukuzaki, Hiro Nakamura