In a futuristic society, every individual undergoes a mandatory operation at the age of 16, erasing all physical differences and turning them into universally accepted standards of beauty. This world is one where everyone is made “pretty” through advanced medical procedures, ensuring that no one stands out for their looks. The concept of beauty in this world is homogenized; everyone is sculpted into the same flawless image, with perfect symmetry, clear skin, and sparkling eyes. Differences in appearance, once the source of prejudice or social divide, are eliminated completely. Follow Goojara Adventure Movies for more.
Uglies Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Uglies (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Director: McG
Writer: Jacob Forman, Vanessa Taylor, Whit Anderson
Stars: Joey King, Brianne Tju, Keith Powers