Watch Thunder Force 2021 Movie on goojara website for full free streaming in HD quality online without any downloading or cost. Thunder Force tells us how cosmic rays create superhumans, something like what happened to the fantastic 4 or how it happened in ‘Heroes’. In this case, the problem is that practically all those blessed with powers take to using their new abilities for evil, that is why they are called “thugs”. In that world in which going out is a constant danger live those two friends who by chance meet again to fight crime.
Reinventing the superhero genre has already been tried a few times in the movies. Take it as a joke too. In the same way that the impact that encountering superpowers has on a normal person has almost always been explored be it in the style ‘Spider-Man’, ‘Shazam!’ or ‘Chronicle’. And of course, we have also seen what happens if we side with the villains or the antiheroes as well.
In the case of ‘Thunder force’, comedy is used, maintaining the Falcone McCarthy formula. Like any comedian does the couple adapt their codes to a cinema that already has its own genre, such as superheroes. If when we see José Mota doing his sketches we usually say that of “he is himself imitating another, but you can tell that it is him” with McCarthy the same thing happens to us. She does the usual, being foul-mouthed and sarcastic, and this time her comedic vision works very well, especially when she confronts her with the ways of Spencer’s character. Watch more Goojara Action Movies streaming online here free in 720p quality.
Movie Overview
Title: Thunder Force (2021)
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Directors: Ben Falcone
Writer: Ben Falcone
Stars: Melissa McCarthy, Octavia Spencer, Jason Bateman