Mike, a down-to-earth construction worker, finds his life taking an unexpected turn when he is suddenly drawn into a world far removed from his everyday routine. Working long hours on construction sites, Mike is accustomed to the grit and grind of his job, living a quiet and simple life. However, this peaceful existence is disrupted when Roxanne, his high school sweetheart, re-enters his life. Mike hadn’t seen Roxanne in years, but their connection reignites as soon as they meet again. What he doesn’t expect is that Roxanne has a secret life as a high-stakes U.S. intelligence agent. Follow Goojara Free HD Movies for more.
The Union Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: The Union (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy, Thriller
Director: Julian Farino
Writer: Joe Barton, David Guggenheim
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Halle Berry, J.K. Simmons