A dynamic fusion of an ancient Chinese legend and uproarious comedy, this tale follows a mischievous Monkey and his enchanted fighting Stick. Against a backdrop of mythical creatures and deities, they engage in a whirlwind battle against demons, dragons, and gods. Yet, the Monkey’s greatest adversary isn’t an external force, but his own ego. As humor intertwines with action, the journey unveils the quest for humility, interwoven with exhilarating battles and slapstick moments. Follow Sflix for more.
The Monkey King Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: The Monkey King (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Animation
Director: Anthony Stacchi
Writer: Steve Bencich, Ron J. Friedman, Rita Hsiao
Stars: Jimmy O. Yang, Bowen Yang, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport