Small Things Like These 2024

The gripping drama is set in 1985 and tells the story of Bill Furlong, a hardworking and dedicated father, as he discovers disturbing secrets that are concealed in a local convent. A simple visit takes a dark turn when Bill stumbles upon shocking revelations about the institution and its past. At around the same time, he realizes that he has to face not only the questions of his discoveries but the guilt and shame of his very own life. The feature addresses the themes of daring, family, and the pros and cons of revealing truths conveniently disregarded, presenting a compelling account of one man’s journey toward doing the right thing. Follow Goojara for more.

Small Things Like These Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Small Things Like These (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama, History
Director: Tim Mielants
Writer: Enda Walsh, Claire Keegan
Stars: Cillian Murphy, Eileen Walsh, Emily Watson