Mavka, a guardian spirit of the Forest known as the Soul of the Forest, is confronted with a difficult decision: to choose between her love for a human musician named Lukash and her responsibility as the protector of the Heart of the Forest. This story explores the transformative and enchanting force of love, which enables individuals to tap into their inner magic and discover hidden strengths, allowing them to surpass their limitations and stand against malevolence and human flaws. Watch more Goojara Animation Movies free streaming online here within a click.
Mavka Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Mavka: The Forest Song (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Director: Oleh Malamuzh, Oleksandra Ruban
Writer: Jeffrey Hylton, Lesya Ukrainka, Yaroslav Voytseshek
Stars: Nataliya Denisenko, Artem Pivovarov, Elena Kravets