A drug enforcement agent finds herself caught in a perilous situation when her granddaughter is abducted by a dangerous criminal organization. Determined to save the young girl, she must put her years of experience and skills to the test. The powerful head of the criminal syndicate has a far-reaching influence, making it nearly impossible to predict his next move or penetrate his inner circle. Faced with the unimaginable, the agent decides to team up with her estranged daughter. Despite their strained relationship, they put aside their differences to work together for the sake of saving the girl. Follow Goojara Action Movies for more.
Lady Scorpions Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Lady Scorpions (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime
Director: Bruce Del Castillo
Writer: Stephen Carolan, Bruce Del Castillo, H. Daniel Gross
Stars: Jeff Fahey, Jose Manuel, David W Rice