Knights of the Zodiac is a live-action film produced by Toei Animation and based on the popular international anime series. The story revolves around Seiya, a rebellious teenager who fights for money while looking for his kidnapped sister. During a fight, he discovers hidden mystical abilities, leading him into a world of battling saints, ancient magical training, and the duty to protect a reincarnated goddess. To survive, Seiya must accept his destiny, make sacrifices, and strive to become one of the revered Knights of the Zodiac. Watch more Myflixer Movies free online for streaming without any cost .
Knights of the Zodiac Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Knights of the Zodiac (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Director: Tomasz Baginski
Writer: Josh Campbell, Matt Stuecken, Kiel Murray
Stars: Mackenyu, Famke Janssen, Madison Iseman