The Justice League finds themselves trapped in a pocket universe, a mysterious and dangerous realm separated from their own reality. As they struggle to comprehend their new surroundings, they learn that surviving Earths across the multiverse face annihilation at the hands of the Anti-Monitor, a being of unparalleled power and malevolence. The Anti-Monitor’s destructive campaign threatens to erase entire worlds, leaving nothing but voids in their wake. The League knows they must act quickly to prevent this catastrophe. Follow Goojara Action Movies for more.
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Three Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Three (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Animation, Action, Adventure
Director: Jeff Wamester
Writer: James Krieg, George Pérez, Marv Wolfman
Stars: Jensen Ackles, Gideon Adlon, Ike Amadi