In a futuristic California, a new high-stakes game called the Grand Lottery is unveiled, promising unimaginable wealth to its winner. The twist? To claim the multi-billion dollar jackpot, participants must eliminate the current winner before sundown. The law enforces this deadly rule, making it a ruthless race against time and morality. As the lottery gains traction, it reveals the darker sides of human nature, pushing people to commit acts of violence they would have never imagined. The setting is a dystopian California where fear and greed intertwine, creating a society where life and death are gambled on. Follow Goojara Comedy Movies for more.
Jackpot Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Jackpot (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy
Director: Paul Feig
Writer: Rob Yescombe
Stars: John Cena, Awkwafina, Simu Liu