A young woman and her two friends find themselves stranded in the open sea after a fatal accident disrupts their voyage. Their relief comes in the form of a fishing vessel whose captain spots them and offers rescue. At first, the trio is overwhelmed with gratitude, believing their ordeal has come to an end. The captain and his crew provide them with food, dry clothes, and a place to rest, assuring them they are safe. However, as the hours pass, a sense of unease begins to settle in. The ship’s atmosphere is thick with tension, and the behavior of the crew members is peculiar and disconcerting. Follow Goojara Thriller Movies for more.
Dead Sea Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Dead Sea (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Crime, Thriller
Director: Phil Volken
Writer: Phil Volken
Stars: Dean Cameron, Garrett Wareing, Isabel Gravitt