Axel Foley, a seasoned Detroit cop, finds himself drawn back to Beverly Hills when he receives a distressing call about his daughter. Her life has been threatened, and the situation leaves him with no choice but to return to the affluent city he once knew so well. Axel reunites with his old friends, John Taggart and Billy Rosewood, both of whom have since risen through the ranks of the Beverly Hills Police Department. The trio quickly realizes that this is more than just a simple threat; it’s the tip of a much larger conspiracy that could have far-reaching consequences. Follow Goojara Comedy Movies for more.
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Comedy, Crime
Director: Mark Molloy
Writer: Danilo Bach, Daniel Petrie Jr., Will Beall
Stars: Eddie Murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Taylour Paige