A group of young space colonists, driven by a thirst for discovery and survival, find themselves deep within the abandoned corridors of a derelict space station. What began as a routine scavenging mission soon turns into a nightmare when they stumble upon signs of life—something that shouldn’t exist in such a desolate place. The eerie silence that filled the station is suddenly replaced by the creeping realization that they are not alone. Follow Goojara Thriller Movies for more.
Alien: Romulus Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Alien: Romulus (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director: Fede Alvarez
Writer: Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues, Dan O’Bannon
Stars: Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux