Among the three brothers, Salim, Veysel, and Senol face life struggling in a small bound rural house. Such family members indulge themselves shepherding by taking care of a herd. For his part, Senol is the youngest brother, but he takes responsibility for the care of their invalid mother. He manages the household duties since Salim never expresses patience and Senol does not go to school after he has to quit. Salim’s vision of marriage, which is quite demanding in financial terms, is focused primarily on that end of the scale. The result is that a nearly fragile family dynamic is stressed out.
As everyone’s nerves are getting thinner and duties are getting harder the brothers’ fight ended up being a real heated confrontation. Thereby, the confrontation settles their own tensions, and brothers see it as the way they relieve themselves from burdens. Follow Goojara Drama Movies for more.
Aga Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Aga (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Drama
Director: Mevlüt Tasci
Writer: Savas Saylan, Dilek Çolak
Stars: Taner Cindoruk, Talha Dündar, Sait Seçkin