The Next 365 Days (2020) is an erotic thriller film directed by Barbara Biaows. It is a sequel of 365 Days: This Day, and is based on Blanca Lipiska’s third book. It stars Anna Maria Siekla, Magda Lamparska, Rebecca Csiraghi, and Michelle Morrone. The characters were flatter.
If you don’t understand what we mean when we say 365 days, it’s the recent popularity of Polish cinema and a movie that doesn’t hesitate to show off the obvious attractiveness of its characters and “mounting” an erotic dance while sharing their greasy bodies to the beat of some popular song.
it’s no surprise that 365 Days More follows the same formula and marks another film with a dubious high-concept style as 9 Weeks and a Half, but more badass. This time, the story picks up where we left off. but that doesn’t matter because, in other films, a sex scene is the unavoidable filler in a good thriller, but in this case, the thriller is the filler between great body in the sun and “boy-ad.”. Watch Goojara 2022 movies free for streaming here.
The Next 365 Days Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: The Next 365 Days (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Romance
Directors: Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes
Writer: Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes, Blanka Lipinska
Stars: Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Simone Susinna