A thief finds himself in a precarious situation after a heist spirals out of control, putting him and his team at the mercy of unforeseen dangers. Amidst the chaos, his partner is kidnapped by a relentless drug lord who is as cunning as she is ruthless. Her top enforcer, a charismatic yet deadly hitman, ensures no one can interfere with her plans. As time ticks away, the thief must navigate a treacherous path to save his partner. Unexpectedly, he forms an alliance with a troubled orphan whose resilience and street smarts prove invaluable. The two unlikely allies face overwhelming odds, battling not only the drug lord’s syndicate but also their own inner demons. Their journey tests their courage and loyalty as they uncover deeper truths about themselves and the cost of redemption. Follow Goojara Action Movies for more.
Get Fast Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Get Fast (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Drama
Director: James Clayton
Writer: Cooper Bibaud, James Clayton, Danny Mac
Stars: Lou Diamond Phillips, Fei Ren, James Clayton