Gym manager Lou finds himself captivated by Jackie, a traveling bodybuilder making a pit stop in town on her way to a competition in Las Vegas. As Jackie diligently trains at Lou’s gym, their interactions gradually evolve from professional to personal, sparking a romantic connection. Lou’s admiration for Jackie’s dedication and strength grows, while Jackie appreciates Lou’s support and encouragement. Despite knowing that Jackie’s time in town is temporary, Lou finds himself falling deeper for her, wondering if their blossoming romance can withstand the distance and uncertainty. Follow Goojara Action Movies for more.
Love Lies Bleeding Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Love Lies Bleeding (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Adventure, Crime
Director: Rose Glass
Writer: Rose Glass, Weronika Tofilska
Stars: Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco