In this Dan Lawson, a seasoned detective from Chicago, embarks on a transatlantic journey to Scotland. Tasked with connecting with Scottish Detective Boyd, portrayed by Capaldi, Lawson is haunted by a chilling resurgence of a serial killer’s spree mirroring an unsolved case from his past. Jackson’s portrayal of Lawson depicts a man driven by both professional duty and personal demons. As the investigation unfolds against the backdrop of Scotland’s rugged landscapes, the detectives navigate through layers of mystery, facing unforeseen challenges. With each clue unearthed, the tension escalates, leading to a gripping climax where past and present collide in a heart-pounding finale. Follow Goojara for more.
Damaged Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Damaged (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Director: Terry McDonough
Writer: Paul Aniello, Gianni Capaldi, Koji Steven Sakai
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi